Friday, May 22, 2009

New Avi--->New Life

They are here!

[BUBU] Launches today!

I've been raving about these little dudes for a bit now. Well now is your chance, the store is finally open!

Seen above is my set of special skins for the avatars.

From Left to Right

[BUBU] Swampy in Mausoleum Green-Limited Edition-L$100
[BUBU] Swampy in Gaseous Sunset-L$100
[BUBU] Swampy in Black Lagoon-L$100
[BUBU] Swampy in WEBAA-L$100
[BUBU] Swampy in Swamp Fire-L$100
[BUBU] Swampy in Mucky Orange-L$100

My skins you can get here at Magic of Oz.

Back Story for those who don't know . . .

I was contacted by Logan Skytower a few months back, to help him with his concept he was doing on a new avatar for Second Life. I instantly fell in love with the little guy, even tho he was just in a blank state.

What was my part to play?

I was asked to play around and make some custom skins for the little critter.

So now that I have a new love in sl, my very own little [BUBU], I wish to share them with you!
I don't sell the actual avatar, that is all Logan's, what you can get from me is skins! so basically you want different looks, you need different skins. Just like with a normal humanoid avi.

What do you have to do?

-Go to Logan's store
-Buy a [Bubu], they cost L$250
-Browse around, grab some skins!
-COME GET MY SKINS! NOW! * smiles sweetly*

I really do like the idea of these. I find them adorable too. So I'm going to be doing more content. The idea so far, since my first went so well, is once I have the design made, I'll hold a contest for more colours. Each [BUBU] will have 6 colours. Mine, one a friend picks(cause they be special) and 4 that are from the contest colours I pick out. I'll do a 2 special colour of each, one for Midnight Madness, one for a [BUBU] Lucky Chair or for my soon-to-be-built 7Seas fishing spot! These plans will come into effect in June sometime. I'm going to do at least one [BUBU] a month. More if time permits.

Now for another little contest of sorts!

I got my idea for my next [BUBU] skin set--->SteamPunk Cog Monster. But I thought, not everyone will want to make skins themselves, but may have a really cool idea! So why don't you tell me what your ULTIMATE [BUBU] would be?

Prize-Once I've made it, you'll get the whole darn set of them!

What do you have to do?

In comments, write your SL avatar name, and your idea. Don't worry about colours, that's a whole another contest. That one will happen once I got it made!

I'm excited to see what you come up with!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

And the Winners are . . .

So these are the new Bubu colours, that I picked out of the many entries that you guys thought up for the contest.

Bubu Swampy in Black Lagoon (black) by Shylah Oceanlane:

I'm flying!

Bubu Swampy in Mucky Orange(orange) by Daarc Dagger:

Bubu Swampy in Winter Eaten by an Alligator (pink and green) by Terry Toland:

I just love the tentacles too much!

BuBu Swampy in gaseous sunset (firey orange red) by PurevilDarkelf Bulan:

He does have a good amount of red on him, I just did a super bad shot! I had it set on night so the light was weird.

BuBu Swampy in Swamp Fire (methane blue with black and purple) by Belochka Shostakovich:

Now I didn't put those up in any special order, so here is who won what:

1st Prize-BuBu Swampy in gaseous sunset (firey orange red) by PurevilDarkelf Bulan

You will receive:

-Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green
-Get to pick 2 other colours of the Bubu Swampy
-Get your colour that I picked
-Get a L$500 Store giftcard(not valid for any of the Rezzable hairs, if you need me to list them, I will)

And Logan Skytower, the Creator of the Bubu avi, decided to throw a Bubu Avi in the potfor 1st prize, so you get that too! Thanks Logan!

2nd Prize-BuBu Swampy in Swamp Fire (methane blue with black and purple) by Belochka Shostakovich

You will receive:

-Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green
-Get to pick 1 other colour of the Bubu Swampy
-Get your colour that I picked
-Get a L$350 Store giftcard(not valid for any of the Rezzable hairs, if you need me to list them, I will)

3rd prizes- Bubu Swampy in Black Lagoon (black) by Shylah Oceanlane and Bubu Swampy in Winter Eaten by an Alligator (pink and green) by Terry Toland

You each will Receive:

-Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green
-Get your colour that I picked
-Get a L$@00 Store giftcard(not valid for any of the Rezzable hairs, if you need me to list them, I will)

I'll be sending you out notecards later today to the winners. sorry I took so long, I know, I suck! hehe, but you all still love me right? I've been busy making you all other new goodies!

OH! and Bubu will be launching this weekend, I'll give you more info as to if it's a public release or whatnot. I know there are going to be parties and such.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bubu-a project I've been working on

I want to start to show you guys some of the stuff I have on the go. Now this one is almost all done, but I still thought I would share.

Bubu is a project started by Logan Skytower. He explained that it was inspired by the concept of the Munny dolls. Achariya Maktoum apparently contacted Logan to contact me, and that's how I got on this project. Sl has been crap, so it took me a bit longer to start this then I wanted.

The Basic concept of the Project:

You go to the BUBU mainstore, get your Babu kit, so far the price is said to be set at L$250.

Inside you get a bunch of stuff.

-Bubu Avi(comes in preset Blank Babu Skin)
-Bubu AO
-Bubu Pose Stand
-3 skin Sparycans-Blank Bubu, Guidelines Bubu and Free Angry Monkey Skin
-Bubu Doll
-Bubu Skins Kit(Templates, Bakes and empty Spraycan)

The basic concept of this little dude is simply to have fun and customize him however you want. It can be anything. All the tools needed to make your own skins are there for you to go off and get started. The Bubu mainstore will have skins you can by, the price so far has been set to about L$100 for each skin. so you can by them, or make your own. Logan has no issues to you selling your skins, just make sure people know they need to get the avi from his store. You can't sell that, as it's no trans.

How do you change your skin? It's really cool actually, your skins come in spraycans. You set it out inworld, click it, and get sprayed! Your skin changes in the process, so you can change him however many times you like.

Logan gave a few of us designers the kit to sort of test, and to help launch the project. I'm okay at making textures, but not too hot at the airbrushing, so I opted to make my dude had attachments. He is my little swamp critter!

Babu Project-My Babu-Swampy

This was my work in progress shot this morning, I have since completed him(just not the spraycan).

Here is his first adventure!

A Bubu is born . . .


a Babu is born

He sits and takes in his new world

He has tentacles!

He has little wiggly Tentacles!

He sees this critter

He looks up . . .

Way Up . . .

Are you my daddy?

Are you my Daddy?

He finds a strange place

He ventures off, and find a rather strange place.

What is that up there?

Full of even Stranger Critters.

What is a Swampy Bubu to do? Where can he find more like him?

Stay tuned!

The New Black Eyes

So here you can see I fixed his eyes, they are more black now, I used black on the other one, but who knows what happened!

The tentative launch for Bubu is May 16th, so coming up this saturday! I posted on Plurk what other sorts of colours I should do.

So far the list is Orange, Red and Purple, as well as my store colour, the Swampy Green.

What I propose here, is a sort of little contest.

List the colours you would like to see him in. Name the colours something to do with a swamp like creature.

I'll show you an example with mine:

Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green

Another Example would be:

Bubu Swampy in Mucky Orange(YAY! Daarc came up with that one)

You can choose multiple colours, multiple names. What I'm going to do for you is give you prizes!

So here is how it will go:

In comments on this blogpost type these things:

Your SL Account Name(please make sure you type this right, or I can't send you your prize!)
You list of colour/name combos

I'll have this going on until Wed. May 13th at 11:59pm. That's when I'll Pick the winners, and get going on the colours. May 14th I'll list the winners on this blog, and to my inworld groups.

The Prizes?

All winners will receive the Bubu Swampy Spraycan and parts to go with the official Babu(Which they will have to buy, sorry I can't give him to you! I didn't make him, I just made the Swampy Skin). They will win them in the said colours of their post(if I pick more then one, they get more then one).

Other Prizes:

1 avi will win First Prize of:
-Get to Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green, Get to pick 2 other colours, and get your colour(s) that I picked
-Get a L$500 Store giftcard(not valid for any of the Rezzable hairs, if you need me to list them, I will)

1 avi will win Second Prize of:
-Get to Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green, Get to pick 1 other colour, and get your colour(s) that I picked -Get a L$350 Store giftcard(not valid for any of the Rezzable hairs, if you need me to list them, I will)

2 avi's will win Third Prize of:
-Get to Bubu Swampy in Mausoleum Green and get your colour(s) that I picked
-Get a L$200 Store giftcard(not valid for any of the Rezzable hairs, if you need me to list them, I will)

I'll be making more Bubu Skins, cause I really like the idea of it. Each one will have this sort of Contest I think, cause I like the idea of it as well! It may just help me with my photoshopping too!

Have fun!