Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Stringer Mausoleum Presents . . .

It's newest creation in Hair Fashion!

Taking part in Rezzable's "2010 . The Future is Now" Fashion Event, I, Helena Stringer, have made you something totally unexpected. I normally put alot of thought and time into what I'm going to make for these Rezzable Events, this one is no different. What was different was the fact that what I started out wth on a piece of paper, totally turned into something else once I started to work on it. I really didn't even notice until it was done that it was the total opposite of what I set out to make.

I bring you Alien Flora, mishmashed version of alien like forms and cables, tucked around a dreaded Princess Leia type warp around bun thing. See what I'm taking about? What was I on? Well it might not be cyber demony, but it sure is still "Stringerized".

I've got out for the event only, my Limited Edition Roboshines pack, for a special price. After the event it's gone forever!(the pack, not the hair, haha).

For those of you in on my Trading Card Program, I've doubled the Point Cards in all packs for the event only.

I hope you enjoy it and the show.

Also hiding(not really) somewhere near my stall, or my sister's stall(Cherelle Capra) is a box of Cyberlike tats I made to go with her Alien Tattoo Chair set. It's my gift to you, only out for this event.


Helena Stringer
Designer/Owner of The Stringer Mausoleum

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