So there is an Alternative Fair, full of sexy goodness for those who walk on the other side of sl. I have a booth at it. Duuuuuuuuuuur!
Kidding, but I do have a booth!
More details HERE!
My booth is on the pulse sim, right near the tp point.
My Shop Slurl
Now due to a misread on my part, my whole darn booth is full of new stuff. Thats right, all new!
I've got 2 unisex hairs, New skins, an outfit, a stringerized smexy shirt and some new eyes!
Now this like most fairs and big events in sl, has a charity, so I thus have charity items! I did 2 packs of Limited Edition stuff, you can only get these at the fair, and then they will poof!

A 4 pack of me new outfit, in Limited Edition Colours just for this event. It's at a super discounted price, you basically get 2 outfits for free. They are transferable too, like all my clothing items. So if there is a colour you don't like, you can share it =) 50% of this item goes to the Charity.

When I first started to play with the idea of my transition skins, I made them in light versions first. They didn't work out that awesome, only 4 of the 8 actually worked to my satisfaction(the other 4 are in the hunt currently at my store, figured you guys could still do "something" with them). So this pack is made up of the 4 that passed my inspection. You get 4 skins, ffor the wonderful price of L$600, which is actually just a little over paying for a single, so it's a super deal. These are Limited Editions, will poof after the fair, and 100% of this pack goes to the Charity!
The Hairs! Oh the hairs!
These unintentionally go sort of with the theme of the event.

I was making this, and for some reason got it in my head to try some braids with it, and liked the results.

This one sort of happened out of the blue, was trying to make a mohawk for someone with a finger in a light socket, but it ended up looking too much like Tonic and Allegory. I already have the hair almost done, and wanted to save it, so I decided to see if I could dread it somehow. This is how my efforts turned out =)
Skins-Transitonal Searies
These are the darker cousins to the Sunchaser skins. They are for creatures who lurk in the corners of allies or various similar low light envirionments. They have a string shadowing, to further enhance the fact that they do not live in the light. Not your typical skin you'll find out there. And they make me super happy, like drug enduced happy. I really made them for me, and wasn't going to share, but enough of you bugged me so here they are!
*Grudgingly lets go of her prizes*

I have demos for you all, so check them out =)
EYES! wouldn't be a swampy event with out some Swamp Thang eyes now would it. These little buggers are part of my creature series. They have an off pupil and very big iris shape, more so then I normally do with my eyes. Again part of my rendering experiments.

I attempted more clothing. This first set is an outfit, you get it on all possible layers, and it is transferable like all my clothing items. And I went colour crazy, as always, can't help it, hehe. There are 12 colours to choose from.
The top is partly seethrough. If you double it up with another layer, it turns into a solid shirt.

This top sort of just happened out of random experimenting. and yes you can see nipples thru it, no they are not included in the design =) you has to get your own nips, leave mine alone!

That is it for now guys! I think I might have to go shopping myself, with all these various things going on, so I might just see you all on the grid, you never know!
Oh almost forgot, I did up a set of swampy like demon parts as a gift at the fair!
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